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Working Cattle Mosaic

(Unfortunately, the displayed photographs of the paintings
are not representative of the quality of the actual painting.)
  News (click for more)
 06 May 2010  Letters from China and Around the World  

A book Letters from China and Around the World is now available for purchase at  The book is more than 500 pages and contains Letters from China and Around the World written by Rachel Fair Brown Hollis and Family History of Rachel Fair Brown Hollis: A collage of articles, clippings, stories, letters, and pictures that tell the story of her life and that of her mother's family, the Sallees, and her father's family, the Browns.

There is both a FULL COLOR version and a BLACK/WHITE version.

Just click on this link to go directly there.

 06 May 2010  Oil Paintings by Anafair  
A book of Anafair's paintings is now available for purchase at  Just click on this link to go directly there.
 26 Aug 2008  Germany 1945, photographs by Edwin S. Brown  

A reproduction of a photo album created by Edwin S. Brown (Anafair's Dad) during his time in Germany during World War II.  Additional photographs taken by Edwin at the 1982 9th Armored Division Reunion, along with 9th Armored fact sheets, are included on the last pages. This book is available at (click here to go to order page) ©2025  Get this website structure for your church website at low cost from

DISCLAIMER: (Too bad this is necessary!) All rights are reserved for Anafair's paintings and photographs of her paintings.  These pictures may not be used elsewhere without written permission from Anafair.  All items on this website are copyrighted. is not responsible for web pages that are out of our control. Jumps from our website do not indicate an endorsement or responsibility for the target website. We have not reviewed all of the sites linked to this Site and are not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to the site. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.